Infoblox Supports Google Cloud And Single Sign-On In Latest Version Of NIOS
Infoblox Supports Google Cloud And Single Sign-On In Latest Version Of NIOS admin April 14, 2019

Infoblox Supports Google Cloud And Single Sign-On In Latest Version Of NIOS

Infoblox Inc., the leader in Secure Cloud-Managed Network Services, announced new updates to its Network Identity Operating System (NIOS) platform that enhances multi-cloud capa

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Northwestern University in Qatar Dean & CEO Everette E. Dennis to conclude his service in 2020
Northwestern University in Qatar Dean & CEO Everette E. Dennis to conclude his service in 2020 admin April 14, 2019

Northwestern University in Qatar Dean & CEO Everette E. Dennis to conclude his service in 2020

Northwestern University in Qatar Dean and CEO Everette E. Dennis will step down as the head of NU-Q in 2020 after serving nearly a decade leading Northwestern’s 12th school to

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SLC heads UAE delegation to e-Commerce Week 2019
SLC heads UAE delegation to e-Commerce Week 2019 admin April 14, 2019

SLC heads UAE delegation to e-Commerce Week 2019

Ahmad bin Meshar, Secretary General of the Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai (SLC), headed the UAE’s official delegation to the ‘e-Commerce Week 2019’,

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