2022 Networking Trends From Infoblox

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2022 Networking Trends From Infoblox
2022 Networking Trends From Infoblox admin January 03, 2022

Cricket Liu, EVP and Chief Evangelist at Infoblox

  • There shall be increased use of DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) by malware because DoH provides an encrypted channel to the DoH server. DoH adoption is increasing and malware developers are more aware of it as a means to bypass security controls.
  • ISPs and enterprises will deploy DoH defensively on their own DNS infrastructure (to prevent fallback to third-party DoH servers). Why now? DoH is a newer technology, relatively speaking. Being able to run your own DNS servers that support DoH is even newer.
  • More iOS app developers will be running DoH servers to capture DNS telemetry from clients.

2022 Security Trends from Infoblox

Ed Hunter, CISO at Infoblox

  • The move back to the office in 2022 will be a slow one, even as offices continue to re-open in 2022, with many employees preferring to work from home. So, making your security “location independent” is key. If you haven’t done this already, do it now.
  • Enabling flexible workspaces and smaller offices rather than large campuses may become the trend. More focus on endpoint security controls.
  • Mobile and personal devices continue to be hot area of debate. How secure is your employee’s home network?
  • Ransomware is not going away, though the government will increasingly be getting involved. Prepare for it.

