Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce launches membership campaign to attract Arab companies

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Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce launches membership campaign to attract Arab companies
Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce launches membership campaign to attract Arab companies admin August 25, 2019

Being a member will allow access to products, services and initiatives that can help companies grow and develop

The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) has announced the launch of a membership drive aimed at attracting Arab companies to join the chamber. The campaign is expected to increase the ABCC’s present membership, which will help reinforce its commitment towards further connecting Brazil with the Arab region to promote economic, social and cultural development.

The membership into the chamber translates to obtaining key benefits and advantages that can help drive in more growth and development for their respective businesses. Some of the key advantages include key access to specialized information like economic indicators, industry-specific data and customized studies designed to help companies in the industries they operate in; exclusive invitations to take part in ABCC-sponsored events such as networking event and sessions with fellow chamber members; advocacies promoted by the ABCC; use of key facilities like meeting rooms and reception halls at the ABCC offices in Dubai and Brazil and free exclusive 30-day ad space in Brazil-News Agency.

Other benefits being offered to new members also include knowledge of local culture to help streamline negotiations, access to essential information needed in processing Brazilian visas, benefits from ABCC partners, discounted rent rates for event spaces on “Paulista Avenue” in Sao Paulo, use of an ABCC member label across promotional materials, bulletins across Arab and Brazilian markets, support from institutional and government relations staff and discount offers to clients of ABCC members.

Rubens Hannun, President, ABCC, said, “The ABCC is proud to announce a new membership campaign to attract new Arab company members. Being a member will allow access to products, services and initiatives that can help companies grow and develop. In addition, the ABCC holds key events like forums, roundtable discussions and networking sessions aimed at driving in local and global opportunities. Our new members will have access to ABCC’s Dubai office, which can help them in contacting Brazilian companies. In addition, our office involves key interactions with government and private entities across various levels.”

“Brazil is eager to maintain its strong ties with countries in the Arab region by preparing to do business with Arab companies. Joining the ABCC will help connect these Arab companies and facilitate smooth and strong communication with Brazilian companies. Rest assured that the ABCC remains steadfast in its continuing commitment towards consolidating ties between the Brazilian and Arab world–offering exceptional value and support services to its members,” concluded Hannun.

Local businesses interested in pursuing membership with the ABCC can contact the chamber through

