Emirates NBD Wins Best CX Business Model At Digital CX Awards 2021

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Emirates NBD Wins Best CX Business Model At Digital CX Awards 2021
Emirates NBD Wins Best CX Business Model At Digital CX Awards 2021 admin August 22, 2021

Emirates NBD, a leading banking group in the MENAT (Middle East, North Africa and Turkey) region, was recognised for its unique customer service (CX) business model at the Digital CX Awards 2021, presented by The Digital Banker.

The bank secured the win for its revolutionary Multiplier EffectFramework, an end-to-end framework for customer personalisation, allowing organizations to move from a product-led approach to one that is customer-led. The unified approach focusses on the three key attributes of Customer Preference, BusinessProfitability and Effective Communication, leading to higher campaign conversion rates. The Multiplier Effect Framework aims to put customers above products, thus improving overall customer experience.

Commenting on the win, Vikram Krishna, Executive Vice President, Head of Group Marketing & Customer Experience, Emirates NBD, said, “Emirates NBD understands the importance of providing an exceptional customer experience as a foundation for success. We are honoured to win this award for our Multiplier Effect Framework. For us, this recognition highlights not only our core customer-centric philosophy, but also brings to the fore our ability to continuously innovate.”

He added, “In a world where customer behaviour is so dynamic,companies are constantly on their toes to keep customers engaged and attract new ones. Emirates NBD’s Multiplier Effect Framework focuses on a unified approach, giving importance to all three attributes of whom to target, what to sell and how to communicate. This way, customers are relieved from the communication bombardment of all products, allowing them to receive communications based on their needs and preferences.”

The Digital CX Awards recognise the world’s leading Financial Services Organisations that blend the best technology and innovation with the power of their people to provide a superior customer experience and reinvent their industry.

