Active Participation from the Youth in ‘E-Voting Corner’ Initiative

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Active Participation from the Youth in ‘E-Voting Corner’ Initiative
Active Participation from the Youth in ‘E-Voting Corner’ Initiative admin February 14, 2018

Emirati youth turned out in great numbers for the E-Voting Corner, organised by the Ministry of State for Federal National Council (FNC) Affairs in collaboration with the Youth Hub to mark UAE Innovation Month, taking place on February 1-28, 2018.

As part of the joint initiative, the Youth Hub hosted an electronic voting platform on February 4-8, 2018, which is designed to allow users to vote in the FNC elections. The objective was to familiarise the youth with the electoral process, which allows voters to choose their representatives in the Federal National Council.

Concluding the initiative, the Ministry of State for FNC Affairs lauded Youth Hub officials for their efforts, awarding them a commemorative shield in the presence of Undersecretary His Excellency Tariq Hilal Lootah.

H.E. Lootah went over the electronic voting system as he visited the E-Voting Corner at the Youth Hub. The UAE had implemented the pioneering system during previous rounds of FNC elections, which ensured seamless operations, high-quality services, transparency and faster results.

The electronic voting system is a smart and innovative procedure, and a culmination of the development of the electoral process. A result of the joint efforts between several UAE Government agencies, the system also reflects a shift in the UAE’s political life, where the country embraced an advanced electronic voting system in FNC elections in 2006, 2011 and 2015.

