Experts At Trends E-Discussion To Analyze Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Tackling Covid-19 Pandemic

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Experts At Trends E-Discussion To Analyze Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Tackling Covid-19 Pandemic
Experts At Trends E-Discussion To Analyze Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Tackling Covid-19 Pandemic admin May 04, 2020

As part of a series of events to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on various spheres of the global economy, TRENDS Research & Advisory is organizing an E-Discussion – Using Artificial Intelligence to Tackle Epidemics: The Covid-19 Model – which will be live-streamed on May 6 at 9 pm UAE time.

The discussion will examine the prospects of using artificial intelligence in research and treatment by helping identify vaccines and develop machine learning, assist diagnostics through the use of bots and decision-tree models.

The E-Discussion will also raise issues related to the use of artificial intelligence in helping the prevention of the disease by employing machine learning and location data, enforcing hygiene through computer vision and thermal sensors, and deploying robots to aid social distancing.

Participants of the E-Discussion include Dr. Munier Nazzal, (MD, MBA, FACS), Professor, Department of Surgery at the University of Toledo, Ohio, USA, who will highlight the research and treatment aspect of the subject. Dr. Nazzal will analyze how leading artificial intelligence (AI) institutes are contributing to the research and treatment of Covid-19 cases.

Dr. Konrad Karcz, Head of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Ludwig Maximilian University Clinic, Germany, will look into the uses of AI applications in providing initial diagnostics. Also participating in the E-Discussion will be Dr. Sapan Desai, the CEO of the Surgisphere Corporation, USA, who will underline how AI can help medical authorities in predicting and controlling the virus outbreak zones.

During the E-Discussion, Dr. Bartlomiej Stanczyk, a Robotics Engineer at the ACCREA Engineering, Germany, will speak on the use of robotics in ensuring social distancing. The session will be moderated by Mr. Dr. Khalid Al-Kofahi, the Head of Research and Development at the Center for AI and Cognitive Computing, Thomson Reuters, Canada.

“With the Covid-19 pandemic becoming a turning point for the global community, this event performs a valuable function of helping its participants identify the continuities and changes we

can expect to see in the months and years to come,” Dr. Mohamed Al-Ali, the Director-General of TRENDS Research & Advisory.

The E-Discussion will be live-streamed on TRENDS YouTube channel:

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