Huawei Technologies Successfully Conducts A Virtual Tour At Its Global “Center For Cyber ​​Security Transparency And Privacy Protection”

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Huawei Technologies Successfully Conducts A Virtual Tour At Its Global “Center For Cyber ​​Security Transparency And Privacy Protection”
Huawei Technologies Successfully Conducts A Virtual Tour At Its Global “Center For Cyber ​​Security Transparency And Privacy Protection” admin April 07, 2021

Huawei Technologies, a world leader in communications and information technology solutions, organized a virtual tour of the Chamber of Information and Communications Technology Industry inside its global Center for Cyber ​​Security Transparency and Privacy Protection in China. This step came as part of Huawei’s strategy to set cybersecurity rates at the top of its priorities, hence achieve a comprehensive electronic security system, which enhances the demonstration of Huawei’s capabilities in the cybersecurity field.

This virtual tour was attended by various members of the Chamber of Information and Communications Technology Industry, led by Dr. Hamdi Al-Laithi, Vice Chairman of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, together with Engineer Khaled Morsi, Member of the same board. In fact, Huawei’s keenness to share and transfer the latest findings in cybersecurity, governance strategies, and the technologies it uses while protecting data and privacy, is deemed as an integral part of the company’s principles. Meaning, the company is always endeavoring to enhance technological and engineering capabilities at the local level.

When it comes to the tour, it took place inside the Center for Cyber ​​Security Transparency and Privacy Protection in China, as mentioned beforehand. It also included a review of the latest innovative solutions in the field of cybersecurity with regard to the 5G technology, cars, computing, and business enterprises, the thing that enabled Huawei to be one of the most reliable and trustworthy companies in the field of software engineering.

It is noteworthy that the global Center for Cyber security Transparency and Protection of Privacy is the latest of its kind worldwide and the best in achieving the highest levels of cybersecurity. Therefore, such virtual tours provide opportunities to learn about Huawei’s latest in this field, which conveys messages of reassurance to customers. These messages confirm Huawei’s superior ability to achieve the protection of data and information privacy details, especially in such exceptional circumstances that require remote work. In addition, they ensure the sharing of many data and files, as it has become very crucial to stress on the fact that there is now a single, secure, and safe network with high efficiency.

Regarding the previous, Adnan Bin Halima, Vice President of Huawei for North Africa, stated: “With the proliferation of digital applications, the security of information and personal data has become more important than ever. The management of network efficiency risks is not merely related to the infrastructure, but also to the use itself, so this makes it the responsibility of governments and the sector. So, some special effort should be exerted in order to develop regulations and laws according to the requirements of the present time.”

Bin Halima also added: “We at Huawei are ready to share our experience and knowledge with all of our customers, and it is very important to mention that we work side by side with governments and success partners in the communications and information technology sector to increase awareness of the prominence of cybersecurity and the development of network security.”

Dr. Hamdi Al-Laithi along with Engineer Khaled Morsi thanked Huawei for organizing this virtual tour, as well as praised the company’s contribution to achieving cybersecurity transparency, protecting privacy, and transferring the latest technologies pertinent to the ICT field. Indeed, they both added to their words that cybersecurity is the foundation of the ICT industry and companies in Egypt, so the world must give a high degree of attention to it and the privacy protection alike.

Generally and undoubtedly, cybersecurity relies heavily on the infrastructure of a myriad of equipment, devices, servers, and cloud on the one hand. Nevertheless, on the other hand, software plays a significant role too. That is to say, Huawei unremittingly supports its partners in the public and private sectors in order to maintain the development of the digital ecosystem. Thus, Huawei pays great attention to cybersecurity, as the company is committed to supporting the secure operations of customer networks. The company also encourages its customers to assess risks in a logical, objective, and evidence-based manner, as the comprehensive cooperation between all sectors, concerned with the digital environment, is essential while underpinning the governance of the systematic cybersecurity for all.

