Kodak Alaris Announces 2020 Partner Of The Year Award Winners For EMEA Region

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Kodak Alaris Announces 2020 Partner Of The Year Award Winners For EMEA Region
Kodak Alaris Announces 2020 Partner Of The Year Award Winners For EMEA Region admin July 05, 2020

Kodak Alaris has recognised eight partners from the Europe, Africa and Middle East region (EMEA) in its annual Partner of the Year awards. The awardsare an integral part of the global information capture leader’s annual Partner Summit, which this year was held as a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Kodak Alaris Partner Awards acknowledge partners who have demonstrated excellentgrowth, engagement, innovation, and implementation of customer-centric solutions based on Kodak Alaris’ technology and services portfolio.The finalists and winnerswere chosenbased on their commitment to customers, investment in solutions from Kodak Alaris, year on year revenue and growth trajectory, as well as successful joint wins over the past year.

“Kodak Alaris has a market-leading partner network and I am delighted to formally recognise our highest performing partners who continue to deliveradded value to our joint customers,helping them to transform their and their clients’ businesses,” said Gerry Kelliher, Managing Director, EMEA Region, Alaris division of Kodak Alaris. “This year’s winners stand out bydelivering the expertise organisations need to automate business processes, to maximise productivity and drive growth in increasingly complex business environments.”

Spigraph, Benelux was named Top Value Added Distributor; the company has collaborated closely with the Kodak Alaris sales team and continued to drive high market share in the region. “To be awarded as Top Value Added Distributor of the year is a great recognition of all our joint efforts to drive profitable growth through the region,” said Koen Beeuwsaert, Vice President Sales, Northern Europe, Spigraph. “The unique ecosystem built between our reseller community, Spigraph and Kodak Alaris is offering tremendous value to end users that are in the middle of their Digital Transformation.”

Having delivered significant revenue growth in FY20, long-standing partner ALOS, one of the leading system providers of capture and Enterprise Content Management solutions in German-speaking countries,secured the Top Performing Partner accolade.The Top Solutions Provider award category which recognises partners’ success in developing solutions capability around Kodak Alaris’ complete hardware, software and services offering, was won by e-das, Germany. “We have been a partner of Kodak Alaris now for over 20 years,” said e-das CEO Helmut Geilenkeuser. “We have a fantastic working relationship and many successful projects. A good relationship is important but not everything. Brilliant products like the scanner range from Kodak Alaris as well as the software and service offerings make the total package complete.”

Pitney Bowes UK scooped the Top Strategic Partner award. The partnership between the two companies is a relatively new one. Pitney Bowes hasvery quickly integrated Kodak Alaris into its solutions portfolio, rapidly growing the business and is driving new opportunities, particularly within the digital mailroom. In the service category, Restore Digital UK won the 2020 Service Partner ‘Large Deal’ award, and the Service Partner ‘Loyalty’ award was presented toScanfabrikTM KG.

A Special Award went to Wietec in Israel celebrating its successes over the past 12 months, most notably winning three major tenders to deliver election solutions despite tough competition. And Dubai-based distributor Rookie Ninja, was the first recipient of the Service Partner ‘Start-up’ award which was designed to recognise a partner that has built a successful service business from scratch.“We are proud and humbled to receive this award from Kodak Alaris for our Services,” said Shashank Patel, Managing Director, Rookie Ninja. “Kodak Alaris believes in delivering industry leading service to its clients globally and it feels great to be the torch bearer for the same in this region.”

To learn more about the Kodak Alaris Partner Programme,please click here.

