Marmum Awarded The Technology In Dairy Production Company Of The Year

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Marmum Awarded The Technology In Dairy Production Company Of The Year
Marmum Awarded The Technology In Dairy Production Company Of The Year admin July 05, 2021

UAE based Marmum Dairy Farms was awarded the “Best Technology in Dairy Production Company of the Year” at The Leaders in FoodTech 2021, an awards event organized by Entrepreneur Middle East. The gala ceremony was held on June 30th 2021 in Dubai, was aimed at recognising and rewarding key players in the MENA foodtech ecosystem.

Marmum was recognised for its deployment of the most recent technologies and innovation from farm management to product distribution that is amongst the best in the region.

Commenting on the recognition, Jeremiah Henchy, CEO of Marmum Dairy, said: “This recognition awards our commitment to delivering outstanding quality dairy products to our customers through our safe, efficient and technologically advanced environment. Alongside our unwavering focus on animal welfare, Marmum uses technology at every touchpoint within our farm to optimise animal health and the creation of great-tasting nutritious milk”.

Marmum’s commitment to delivering cow care leadership through technology is matched by their talent of building health and wellness into their product ranges. Through technology, Marmum enhances the freshness of their products, optimise vitamin levels and, with their unique processing capabilities, filter out dairy sugars in addition to enhancing protein content. Marmum’s state of the art processing techniques, when combined with their food technology innovation, ensures customers have access to the freshest, healthiest and great-tasting dairy products.

“At Marmum, automation and AI are critical technologies we use to underpin herd well-being, processing efficiency, in addition to ensuring we maximise the contribution our products make to our customers’ well-being. Our innovative use of automation and AI also plays a significant role in reducing food waste, and our impact on the environment. Our food distribution system also features data collection capabilities and algorithms to guarantee availability for our customers, whilst further minimising waste”, he concluded.

Established in 1984, Marmum is one of the oldest commissioned dairy farms in the UAE. The company entered the industry to support the country’s health and well-being, with a mission to supply high-quality ultra-fresh dairy products locally from farm to table, with minimal impact on the environment.  Today Marmum has established a fully integrated dairy supply chain across a diverse product range including milk, yoghurt, Laban, greek yoghurt, high protein greek yogurt drinks, high protein flavored milk, juices and Ayranlabantotalling over 100 SKUs.

Notably, Marmum is also part of Yas Holding, which operates several world-class farms in the UAE and internationally through their Elite Agro Division. The agriculture businesses span a wide variety of locally and internationally grown fresh fruit and vegetables, poultry and sheep farms, all of which complement Marmum’s consumer offering to the citizens of the UAE and beyond.

