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Web3 Social App Tackles Fake Accounts With An Innovative Engagement System

Rising concerns over fake accounts and bots on social media platforms have underscored the limitations of Web2 technologies. Phaver introduces a Web3 social app with a gamified system to combat...

OKX Ventures Announces Investment In DeBox, A Web3 Social Networking Platform With Over A Million Active Users

OKX Ventures, the investment arm of leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company OKX, today announced its strategic investment in DeBox, a decentralized social...

CNH Brand Launches Virtual Reality And Metaverse Training At Coopavel Rural Show

New Holland, a brand of CNH, attended this year's Coopavel Rural Show and showcased its latest agricultural innovations – including new precision farming and training innovations in a special...

Oregon Passes Its First Bills On Artificial Intelligence Regulations

Oregon lawmakers are worried artificial intelligence (A.I.) could harm voters since it can emulate the decision-making skills of a human.  KGW spoke with Rep. Daniel Nguyen, D-Lake...

Everdome Advances Metaverse Connectivity: Unifying Creator-Led Spaces With Digital Environments

Today, the Dubai-based metaverse company Everdome unveiled a significant leap forward in the next evolution of the internet. Their new development unites creator-led destinations, enabling seamless...

The Sustainable City Launch Its New Immersive Arts & Cultural Destination: IMMERSEE

The Sustainable City - Dubai unveiled “IMMERSEE”, its new cutting-edge immersive arts and cultural destination, and innovative space dedicated to advancing sustainability education through captivating...

How Artificial Intelligence Tools Can Increase Diversity

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to dominate headlines and even the most recent Super Bowl advertisements. The use of AI in the workplace is rapidly expanding in a wide variety of ways...

AI — Artificial Intelligence — Is Already In Golf

Artificial Intelligence has more than crept into golf. It came in years ago, built a couple houses for itself and fired up the barbecue grill. It’s here to stay. There’s so much AI in golf that it...

Testing AI Predictions Against Market Realities: Newsec Property Outlook Sheds Light On AI Potential In Real Estate Forecasting

Newsec has undertaken an in-depth analysis of artificial intelligence (AI) in real estate forecasting. Collaborating with ChatGPT-4, an advanced AI model, Newsec sought to evaluate AI's efficacy in...

Writing Still Matters In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

Writing is hard. As an English major and student journalist, I am painfully aware of this fact. I am reminded of it every single time I sit in front of my computer, fingers hovering over my keyboard...

