Sign business documents faster using e-sign

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Sign business documents faster using e-sign
Sign business documents faster using e-sign admin June 26, 2018

Contracts, protocols, invoices, complaints, reports, statements… The business life revolves pretty much around such business documents. Dealing with these docs is something you cannot avoid – whether you are a SME or a large corporation. Then, how can you make the process of business document signing faster and more secure? Signing documents on a tablet, or e-Sign, – innovative technology powered by Infinite IT Solutions – is the answer. Not only does e-Sign enhance the process of signing contracts and other business documents, but also makes the company operational activities as a whole much faster.

e-Sign – what is it?

Signing documents on a mobile device replaces a traditional signature on a piece of paper. Instead of printing a document on a printer you display it on a tablet, instead of signing a document with a pen, you sign it using a stylus pen.

“e-Sign takes great advantage over a traditional paper-based signature – it is much easier to confirm its authenticity. All thanks to the fact that apart from the signature image, a tablet with a biometric surface saves additional data: inclination angle, pressure force, GPS coordinates. Once the signature is approved, you cannot change the document or the signature – they are permanently protected. e-Sign is a secure and legally-compliant IT solution – in the UAE it is as legally binding as a signature written by hand according to Federal Law No.1 of 2006 regarding Electronic Transactions and E-Commerce” – Łukasz Spirała from Infinite IT Solutions explains.

Which company departments should consider signing documents on a mobile device?

Signing business documents on a tablet is both innovative and comfortable. With e-Sign, there are no piles of business documents waiting to be signed by decision-makers who travel a lot in business. Also, e-Sign marks the end of the inefficiency of sales people who cannot finalise the transaction because a customer’s signature is missing on a document. Thanks to e-Sign, business documents can be signed anytime, anywhere. This IT solution supports company owners, sales and purchasing departments, HR depts or customer service teams in the execution of everyday tasks.

Let’s use the customer service department as an example. Customer service is at the frontline of each organisation. Not surprisingly, company owners constantly look to make this division more efficient. Of course, this applies also to the paper-based document signing which can be easily replaced by the document signing on a tablet. How does it work in practice? Your employee prepares a document in the IT system and shows it to a customer on a tablet. The customer can read the contract conveniently, check all boxes and sign the contract on a mobile device using a stylus pen. Then, the signed document goes to the customer e-mail and the e-archive for internal and legal purposes. By signing documents electronically, you can boost the process of concluding contracts and launch the service that the contract covers much faster.

Also, with the built-in validation engine, you eliminate incidents when documents get signed without checking and accepting terms – it is technically impossible.

Supporting sustainable business and environment

“Opting for e-Sign is a move towards more environmentally-friendly business because you can cut your paper consumption by far. All documents signed on a tablet are stored in the e-archive. This makes searching for business documents and archiving them much easier. Tons of paper and hundreds of binders become redundant, while you gain precious time for the core business” – adds Łukasz Spirała, Infinite IT Solutions.

Each company which wants to reduce its paper consumption and gain better control over the archived business documents should consider the implementation of e-Sign. In the first place, signing documents on a mobile device makes the perfect IT solution for companies which want to follow their business goals consciously having full transparency of the document workflow.

